Taylor Swift met an 8-year-old boy with ɑutism who she helped get a service dog

Put this under the list of reasons we adore Taylor Swift.

The 28-year-old Grammy winner spent the weekend getting to know 8-year-old autistic youngster Jacob Hill, whose family she assisted in obtaining a service dog. Swift presented front row seats and backstage passes to Jacob and his family members for her show in Houston on Saturday. Swift also donated $10,000 to support Reid, Jacob’s service dog!

“Taylor Swift gave $10,000 to the purchаse of a service dog for my kid. This past weekend, she granted us backstage credentials and first row tickets to her concert,” stated Allison Hill, Jacob’s mother, on the Autism Speaks Facebook page. “Taylor Swift showed such kindness. Reid, according to her, was adorable and a giant puffball. She was quite amazing while she was with Jacob.

Allison’s message went on, “She didn’t see my son’s disability; she just saw him.” “Even though she knew it would be noisy and chaotic, she got down on her knees, met him with her full attention, said hello, and expressed her gratitude that HE had come to her concert. We had been working on saying “hello Taylor” for the entire week, but he didn’t know if he would be able to pull her hair back and grab her face.”

Taylor, according to Allison, was “very gracious and acted like him grabbing her face didn’t even phase her.”

“After the picture was taken, the flash scаred him so he snuggled right up to her and her sweet smile says it all,” Allison said. Jordan, my daughter, was quite excited to meet her. We are so grateful! Thank you very much to Taylor for helping us out once more! Jacob survived nearly the whole concert. We adore Taylor, who is such a great spokesperson for autism.”