Taylor Swift claims that ex-wife Kim Kardashian edited the infamous phone call with Kanye West in 2016, shocking the world

Additionally, the pop star disclosed that the incident “psychologically destroyed [her]” and that, as a consequence, she “lost all trust in everyone.” 

Taylor Swift revisited the notorious phone conversation she shared with Kanye “Ye” West in 2016 in her December 6 edition of TIME’s “Person of the Year” cover story. The 33-year-old musician alleged in an interview that Kim Kardashian altered the released recording of her and Ye, 46. 

A Timeline of the Drama Between Taylor Swift and Kanye West | POPSUGAR  Celebrity

Taylor asserted, “In an illegаlly recorded phone call, which Kim Kardashian edited and then distributed to the public to prove I was a liar, you have a completely manufactured frame job.” “That brought me to psychological depths I had never been before.” 

In response to the repercussions of the disclosed phone call on her reputation in the United States, the “Karma” singer stated that she “emigrated to a foreign country” and “remained in a rental house for a year.” Furthermore, Taylor was also burdened by the trauma that followed. 

“I had a feаr of answering the phone,” she continued. “I pushed away the majority of the people in my life because I lost all faith in them.” “I descended exceedingly, exceedingly severely.”

Kanye West and Taylor Swift

Ye’s “Famous,” which was published in 2016, contains the following ԀissiԀent lyric directed at Taylor: “I feel like Taylor and I might still have sx/Why?/ I made that bimbо famous.” He asserted at the time that Taylor had granted him consent to incorporate the lyric. The “Look What You Made Me Do” artist, nevertheless, conveyed that this was not the situation. Subsequently, Kim (43) asserted that Taylor authorized Ye to include the last lyric. 

The “Stronger” rapper released the music video for “Famous,” which featured sculptures of Kim and Taylor sleeping next to him in a bed, following the back-and-forth between Kim, Ye, and Taylor. Subsequently that year, Kim uploaded a Snapchat video featuring Taylor Ye on the phone with him as he composed the song. 

Taylor Swift and Kanye West's Feud Timeline - Kanye "Famous" Lyrics  Controversy

Taylor was overheard in the footage remarking, “I never would have anticipated you to share information about a specific line in your composition. I meаn, I doubt that anyone would listen to that and exclaim, “That is a complete diss.” “You must narrate the story in the exact manner in which you experienced it and how it transpired for you.” Taylor was later overheard on Kim’s recording stating, “If individuals inquire about it, it would be fantastic if I could sаy something along the lines of, ‘He called me and informed me before its release…'” For each individual, the joke is on you. “Everyone is fine.” 

Conversely, Taylor emphasized once more that she disapproved of the statement, “I made that scumbag famous.” However, numerous “Cancel Taylor” tweets and hashtags went viral at the time, and a significant number of fans sided with Ye and Kim. 

Many Swifties defended Taylor after the complete transcript of the phone call surfaced online, noting that several segments of their conversation were not audible. The dispute between Taylor, Kim, and Ye persisted for years, with each side maintaining their position.