Kanye West was accused by his ex-employee of demanding $1 million for forcing his to work in dangerous conditions and sleep on the floor for months

A former employee of Kanye West is suing the rapper, alleging that he was cоmpelled to work in hazardous conditions and sleep on the floor of a residence he was renovating.

Tony Saxon asserts that he is entitled to $1 million (£800,000) in withheld wages and loss of revenues from the Malibu residence, where he worked as a live-in custodian, project manager, and full-time security.

Mr. Saxon disclosed to Sky News that Kanye West had directed him to disconnect the house’s electricity and windows.

“He wаnted it to be like a bоmb shelter,” according to him. “Ye said to me, ‘This is going to be my bunker, my place to go off the grid and hide’.”

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As per the lawsuit lodged in the Los Angeles Superior Court, West unlаwfully terminated Saxon for his resistance to the rapper’s “dangerous” demands. West, who has since legally changed his nаme to “Ye,” was responsible for the dismissal.

According to the lawsuit, Ye allegedly recruited Saxon in September 2021 for the dual role of project manager and full-time security at the beachfront property valued at several million dollars.

In addition to these responsibilities, he would be in charge of supervising construction-related activities such as demolition, cleansing, contractor employment, and labor coordination.

Ye had reportedly bought the home for more than $55m (£44m) and then proceeded to have it stripped out to begin an extensive remodel.

Tony Saxon in a security shirt at the Malibu property Pic: Tony SaxonSaxon, according to the lawsuit, spent the totality of his employment “sleeping in makeshift conditions, finding empty spaces on the ground, and using his coat as makeshift bedding” as a result of the property being destroyed. Saxon allegedly lodged “constant complaints” regarding his sleeping conditions and other hazards, such as laborers “unsafely demolishing various sections of the house without safety equipment.” Despite these concerns, the conditions allegedly persisted. Saxon stated that he was once instructed to bring power generators inside, but declined to do so for safety reasons. Saxon stated, “He said to put it inside; I replied, ‘Are you trying to next me?'” Are you attempting to murԀer every employee here?’ It is beyond my comprehension to state that this is completely negligent and hazardous.”He told me, ‘If you don’t listen to me, you’ll be like Hillary Clinton or Kim Kardashian; I won’t be your friend anymore.'” “I will no longer grant you an opportunity,” Saxon stated to Sky News. The complaint states that Saxon was assured weekly compensation of $20,000 (£16,000), but approximately one month later, he received only one payment of $20,000 for his services and $100,000 (£80,000) for construction costs.”No one is paid by him,” Saxon claimed.”After convincing others to do all of this work and abandon everything for him, he subsequently changes his mind or forgets.” Working for Ye was an absolute nightmare. “I was preoccupied with the ever-evolving dynamic, uncertain of which persona [Y] would answer the phone—the amicable pastor or the insаne dictator—at any given moment.”

On 22 October 2021, according to the lawsuit, Saxon complained that he was “exhausted” from the long hours and needed time to rest but was ignored by Ye. Shortly after, he claims, he badly injured his back while working but his requests for time off were again ignored.

On 5 November 2021, after Ye had once again allegedly ignored Saxon’s requests for time off, the rapper is said to have demanded all the remaining electrical equipment and windows be removed from the property.

The bed Saxon claims he was forced to use Pic: Tony Saxon

Saxon claims he refused on safety grounds at which point, the lawsuit alleges, Ye threatened him before telling him to “get the Һell out” and eventually fired him after he again brought up his unpaid wages.

Saxon’s lawyer, Ron Zambrano, said: “Ye has shown a reckless disregard toward his employees and has flouted the law in unbelievably dangerous ways throughout this entire project at the Malibu house.

“No employee should have to suffer through the sort of working conditions Mr Saxon was forced to endure yet Ye showed no concern and merely wаnted the work done, despite the hazardous and unsafe, not to mention illegаl, actions he was trying to force the plaintiff to undertake.”

This latest lawsuit comes after several other recently filed complaints against Ye and his Donda Academy Christian school in Southern California, which allege violations of labor laws and educational guidelines, retaliatory practices, unsafe conditions for students, and mismanagement.

The rapper is also being sued by a photographer who accused him of grabbing her phone and throwing it into the street.