RESPECT: Lil Wayne throws ‘Merry Christmas’ party at Dave & Buster’s in New Orleans for more than 150 teens

The occasion honored kids for their academic success as well as their participation in sports including tennis, football, basketball, baseball, and soccer.

Lil Wayne is all about giving back this holiday season and honoring young people for their hard work.

The Young Money rapper gave “A Weezy Christmas” for the kids at Dave & Buster’s over the weekend in his native New Orleans.

“This Christmas, @mackmaine4president & I wаnted to give some future hall of famers the gift of game w/ the help of @Wilson ,” he shared a number of pictures from the occasion on Instagram.

He went on, “It was really vital to us that they had access to the tools they needed to reap the rewards of being a top-tier athlete! #WeezyChristmas #HappyHolidays”

The rapper reportedly entertained 150 kids at the venue with the assistance of Wilson Sporting Goods and Young Money Entertainment CEO Mack Maine, according to TMZ.

The kids, who ranged in age from 12 to 16, got to play games, get pictures taken with Santa, and leave with brand-new athletic gear.

The occasion honored kids for their academic success as well as their participation in sports including tennis, football, basketball, baseball, and soccer.

They also got to meet Jay Jones and Allan Cubas, two more Young Money performers who helped distribute gifts.

The rapper known as “Mrs. Officer” has a long history of supporting his city. The rapper came back earlier this year for his yearly Weezyana Fest, which raises funds for local projects. Performances by Rick Ross, Cam’ron, Quavo, and the late Takeoff were part of the star-studded event. Drake also showed up out of the blue.

The rapper of “How to Love” has also collaborated with groups to rehabilitate Harrell Park and is working with the Son of Saint mentorship program.

Meanwhile, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) certified the rapper’s 2008 smаsh song “Lollipop” as a Diamond last week.