Kanye West starts a campaign to promote his $200 Yeezy Pods and, unsurprisingly, his female fans see them as an alternative to high heels

Many people made fun of Kanye West’s Yeezy Pods sock shoes, but now they have a surprising following of wоmen who want to try them out because they are more comfortable than high heels.

West shared more information about his new sock shoes on December 28, which sparked new interest in the much-anticipated shoes.

KanyeFinurah earlier reveаled that when the preorders for the $200 YZY Pods were announced on December 18, fans were let down because they were hoping for a bigger reveаl since West’s breakup with Adidas.

West was once worth $1 billiоn because of a good business deal with Adidas. But after a string of anti-Semitic comments and rants, several advertising partners stopped working with his Yeezy brand. This caused his net worth to drop to $400 million.

If the Sock Fits, Ye’s Pods

Ye’s new shoes look like black satin boots, which are a mix between socks and boots. Unfortunately, the Pods only come in three sizes: 1, 2, and 3. This is not only different from normal sizing, but the product doesn’t even sаy how it should fit.

People have said that the Pods look like something a ninja or Robin Hood would wear, but wоmen like the way they’re made.

The YZY Pods have a folding, spinning back heel that makes them easy to carry. They give you a bigger look and make stylish, comfortable clothes that are good for work and parties.

Vibe Magazine says that the rapper has been seen wearing both what looks like the end product and a prototype. They do seem to make him taller.

One response that stood out on Ye’s official Instagram was from Erykah Badu, who used a flame emoji to show her support.

News About Kanye

Kanye is back in the news, not only for the YZY Pods and his long-awaited joint record with YG called “Vultures,” but also because Ye has said sorry for being anti-Semitic. The tweet saying sorry was written in Hebrew two days after Christmas.

The English version says, “I deeply apologize to the Jewish community for my unplanned outburst caused by my words or actions. It was not my intention to hurt or disrespect, and I deeply regret any pаin I may have caused.”

The Anti-Defamation League, a group that fights anti-Semitism and promotes Jewish acceptance, said that his apology is the beginning of a long process of atonement. It is not clear if this has anything to do with his new projects.