Coldplay and Sting call for Toomaj Salehi’s release, defending the Iranian rapper

More than 100 musicians, artists, and human rights activists, including Coldplay and Sting, have signed a statement appealing for the release of Iranian rapper Toomaj Salehi, who was condemned to deаth for opposing wоmen’s rights.

The 33-year-old, an outspoken supporter of the Wоmen, Life, Freedom movement in Iran, was condemned to deаth by an Isfahan court on April 24, according to his lawyer.

A rally in Berlin on 28 April protesting against the death sentence given to Toomaj Salehi.

After being caught in September 2022, he spent a year and 21 days in prison, including 252 days in isolation. He said he was “severely tortured” in prison after being released on bond. Two weeks after his release, he was imprisoned for “corruption on Earth” in December 2023.

Salehi supported the protests after Mahsa Amini died in police custody in 2022 for wearing a “improper hijab” through his music. Amini’s deаth provoked Iranian protests.

Little Mix singer Jade Thirlwall, DJ Rоb Da Bank, writer Margaret Atwood, and theater director Roshi Nasehi support Index on Censorship’s statement demanding Salehi’s release.

Toomaj Salehi.

The declaration says artists, musicians, writers, and cultural leaders support Toomaj Salehi. We demand his deаth sentence be annulled immediately and unconditionally and his release from detention with all other accusations removed.

“Art should criticize, prоvоke, question, and challenge authority. Artists have that right and duty.”

In protest tracks like Mouse Hole, Turkmenchay, and Pomegranate, Salehi, who has over two million Instagram followers, criticizes the Iranian dictatorship, calls out corruption, and advocates for worker and wоmen’s rights.

Sting, Coldplay petition against death penalty for rapper in Iran

London-based composer and pianist Tamara Barschak signed the petition, saying, “I’m a supporter of democracy, justice and stand wholly against oppressive regimes.”

Barschak was appalled by Salehi’s deаth sentence and asked for more awareness, especially in music.

Coldplay und Sting kämpfen gegen Todesstrafe von Toomaj Salehi

She advised artists to sign the Index on Censorship, make songs on Salehi, and advocate on social media. “We need to alert people to the scale of this regime,” she stated. “It’s terrible that this musician could be executed for his beliefs. Everyone should discuss this; I’ll do so online as a musician.”

Elli Brazzill, from UK campaign group Art Not Evidence, said: “This deаth sentence for making music is terrifying.” Music and art are powerful, hence artists have been targeted. The world has censored music, especially insurrection or protest song, for thousands of years, but to be executed for it is unimaginable.”

After the Wоmen, Life, Freedom protests in 2022, Iran executed Kurdish-Iranian musician Saman Yasin. IranWire said that he was sentenced to five years in exile after the ruling was overturned in December 2022.

Index on Censorship’s incoming CEO, Jemimah Steinfeld, praised the volume of support for Salehi’s release. “This statement’s large and diverse signatories send a clear message from the international cultural community that Toomaj should be released immediately.

Who is Toomaj Salehi? Coldplay and Sting call for release of Iranian rapper  sentenced to death | Evening Standard

“Toomaj is bold and clever, and seeing their unwavering support is humbling. Iran must respect international human rights.”