Lil Wayne takes photo with child model: ‘Looking at her, I want to have another girl’



On January 22, rapper Lil Wayne posted a photo on Instagram of himself with a child model named Celina Powell. The photo shows Wayne holding Powell, who is sitting on his lap. They both smiled and looked at the camera.








The photo’s caption simply reads Powell’s name, “@celinaapowell”.






The photo received mixed reactions, with some praising the photo’s cuteness, while others criticized Wayne for taking a photo with a little girl.


Some users commented: “The photo is so cute”, “You two look great” and “Wayne is a great dad”.




Others wrote: “This is inappropriate”, “Wayne is a pedophile” and “He should be arrested”.


Wayne did not respond to the criticism.



This is not the first time Wayne has faced criticism for his relationships with young girls. In 2013, he was criticized for dating a high school girl.


Wayne never married but had four children with four different women.