Lil Wayne’s iconic handwritten lyrics are up for sale at a whopping $5M after years of legal wrangling

Years ago, Lil Wayne requested his old lyrics notepad.

One of Lil Wayne’s old notebooks was advertised for $250K by autograph merchants Moments In Time back in 2019. He supposedly has adolescent Weezy song lyrics like “I Feel” and “We On Fire” on it. The individual who stumbled upon the notebook claims to have found it in a vintage vehicle that had belonged to Cash Money Records. He subsequently chose to keep it in his garage.Nonetheless, New Orleans was almost leveled when Hurricane Katrina struck. When he got it back to his house, he saw that it was in basically perfect condition, so he decided to sell it to anyone who was ready to part with that much money. As word got around, Lil Wayne’s lawyers warned the guy selling the notebook that Wayne wanted it back and demanded that he take it down.

The man flat-out refused, saying that Wayne would have to purchase it from him because he possessed “crystal clear title.” The court sided with the seller since Weezy remained silent thereafter. Following all the hoopla, the identical notebook is now available for a staggering $5 million. Moments In Time allegedly explained the steep price hike by saying that Lil Wayne is the greatest of all time, which makes his handwritten lyrics from the 1990s worth a pretty penny.